Hello World!


New idea: starting a blog, yay!

What will happened? I don’t know. What do I know? I’m very exciting to share my thought about various things 😆

There’s a million and one ways to talk about why am I starting a “blog".

Hi, my name is Time. And, if you are reading this post, you found me. This is the beginning of my next chapter that honestly has been in the back of my head for a while now. I don’t plan to share this very post, rather this will be the post that you, the reader, will (hopefully) find after reading other posts. Thus, “you found me.”

So, wtf am I doing?

“Everybody thinks” . . . was going to be the title of this post because of how well it reflects why I am starting this blog.

I found myself thinking about random things all the time. Oftentimes, these are not just random thoughts that I just want to let it go, rather they are content that I think worth sharing.

With that said, why writing?

I do not consider myself a writer, mostly because how much I dislike reading. But, I couldn’t disagree that it is a great way of communicate, quickly communicating, from both side. I can type for about half an hour to convey my thoughts about a certain topic in under 500 words (which is kinda my goal). Readers can consume them quite quickly because reading can be much faster than listening—heck, they can even just skim through it.

If you have read my YouTube description, you probably know that my dream is to become a YouTuber. That is still the goal, but while I’m dealing with the mental block of creating YouTube videos, along with how demanding creating a good video can be, I think it is best to find a less demanding way to just create.

“Haters gonna hate. Creators gonna create.” — Casey Neistat

I don’t know whether this quote is originally from him, but that’s what I remember from my YouTube watching marathon that has been going on since 2011. Some may say that I have an addiction, but that’s not the point. I guess, what I’m trying to say is that I attribute this blog to YouTube, to the YouTubers I look up or subscribe to. I can definitely say that Ali Abdaal inspire me to choose this medium lol.

That’s the beauty of what I want to do.

What exactly is it? I don’t know. Will I be talking about life, politics, tech, photography, etc.? Probably. Will content here later show up as YouTube videos that I aspire to create? Most likely. Will this impact the world in some ways? Hopefully.

I am not a writer who is starting a blog. Yes, I write for the Columbia Daily Spectator, but still I don’t think I’m a good writer. I just want to deliver my message. That’s why this might not be proofread, or at least I will definitely use informal language as if I’m speaking. So, I guess, we should treat this as a YouTube video in a writing format: a written vlog.

P.S. I can be pretty talkative, aka rambling. So, there’s definitely more I wanna say but I already went my 500-word plan 🙂


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